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Ex:Senior Resident@ Govt Medical College Calicut Kerala
@DDU Hospital Govt of NCTOf Delhi
@PGI Chandigarh
@PGIMS Rohtak,Haryana


  • PresentedoriginalPaper–originalresearchwork-inUSICON January2017Mumbai– ‘ComparisonofdetectionratesofUSGandCTforlocationandsizeofurinarybladder carcinoma”-waitingforpublicationconfirmation.
  • Presented A poster“Retrocaval ureter with contralateral renal agesis with various other genitourinary anomalies-has been published in BJU in Sept 2015.
  • Presented Laparoscopic surgical video at Calicut urological society-Nov 2016.
  • Presented A rare case report at Calicut urological society-Sept 2016.
  • Presented a podium in LITHOKON Kollam Kerala April 2015
  • Presented A Poster in USICON 2015 Hyderabad
  • Presented A poster in UAKON 2015 in Kochi
  • Successfully conducted the CME-PG Master class may 15, 2015 at Govt Medical College Calicut
  • 100,s of various class room presentations including but not limited to case reports, journal clubs, power pointseminars,clinical teachings as a part of super speciality curriculum and wardrounds.
  • Presented < paper–Effect of Tamoxifen on bone mineral density in carcinoma breast patients.At < ASICON >,Delhi - 15-20 Dec 2010 - HONOURED BEST PAPER AWARD.
  • Was an active member of Team for organizing ASICON 2010,ASICON City,AIIMS New Delhi 2010.
  • Presented < Paper,Poster & Video presentation> At < ASICON >, New Delhi- 15-20 Dec 2010- Master video-Radical Gastrectomy
  • Presented < free paper> At ASICON, Ludhiana– 25-30 Dec 2008.
  • Presented < poster–evaluation of modified triple test-A clinical testimony> At NATCON, Mumbai– 17-19th Sept 2010.
  • Presented At < NATCON>, Lucknow- 16-18th Sept 2011 < poster-axillary reverse mapping during axillary dissection in cases of carcinoma breast>
  • Attended XII Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of Haryana x midterm CME At PGIMS. Rohtak 31 Oct & 1 Nov 2010.
  • Attended International line operative workshop on female urology and laser prostatectomy and RIRS At PGIMS, Rohtak- 16th–17th April 2011.
  • Attended National conferance of VSI-Vascular Surgeons of india. Hands on vascular anastmosis and stapling technique. 26-28 Sept, 2012.Jaipur, Rajasthan.
  • Laproscopic cholecycystectomy in apatient with portal cavernoma-IHS newsletter/