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Kidney Transplant

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Who is a candidate for Kidney Transplantation?

Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for people with kidney failure. This allows patients to stop dialysis, decrease their fluid and diet restrictions, and enjoy a much better quality of life


Why may I need a kidney transplant?

When a patient has kidney failure, it causes him or her to feel ill. Over time, waste products and fluid build up in the body. This may result in death if untreated. There are three treatment methods for patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The first is hemodialysis, where blood is passed through a dialysis machine and filtered in the same way as done by functioning kidneys. Another technique is peritoneal dialysis, which works by passing special fluid into the abdomen. Some of the toxic chemicals in the blood pass into the fluid. After a couple of hours the fluid is drained along with the toxins. A kidney transplant is the final means of replacing a failed kidney.


When should I consider a kidney transplant?

Start the transplant evaluation process when you and your nephrologist (kidney specialist) think that your kidney disease will eventually require dialysis. Before your evaluation, we will contact your nephrologist to obtain your medical records. After meeting you and reviewing several important medical tests, the transplant team will determine if you are eligible or not eligible for a kidney transplant.


Is a kidney transplant the right answer for everyone?

A transplant involves an operation, and requires you to take medications to stop your body from rejecting the new kidney. For some people—such as those with serious heart disease—the operation and/or the side effects of the medications are too dangerous. Kidney transplantation is too hazardous for patients with conditions such as active infections and cancer.


Does blood type matter for kidney transplants?

The blood type of the kidney recipient and the person giving the kidney—the donor—must be compatible, just as they must be for a blood transfusion. There are four blood types: A, B, AB, and O.


Note: Rh (the negative or positive element of blood type) has no effect on compatibility.



Will I always have to take medications after the kidney transplant?

After a transplant, medications will always be needed to stop the body from rejecting the kidney. These drugs are called immunosuppressants. Because the body can reject the kidney at any time, the medications must be taken every day, for as long as the kidney works


Who donates kidneys for transplantation?

There are two sources for kidney transplants. One is from a living donor, and the other is from a non-living donor. Patients who have had kidneys donated from living donors usually enjoy higher success rates than those who receive organs from non-living donors, since there is less chance for rejection.


A living donor must be in good health and free from diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney or heart disease. Living donors usually are between 18 and 60 years old. The living donor must undergo a series of tests to determine if they are truly compatible with the recipient. The decision to become a living donor is completely voluntary, and the donor can change his or her mind at any time. 



What is a perfect match kidney?

Usually, a perfect match is from a brother or sister or a first degree relative. The chance of getting a perfect match from a living-related brother or sister is much higher.


What are antibodies and how does rejection occur?

Antibodies are proteins your immune system makes when it comes into contact with something foreign to your body. When you get an infection, such as a cold or an infection from a wound, your body makes antibodies to fight that infection. Antibodies protect your body. When you have an organ transplant, your body reacts as it would to an infection. Thus, your antibodies try to destroy the organ. Some people have a lot of antibodies, and it is harder to find an organ match.


Where is the kidney placed?

During surgery, the kidney is placed in the lower abdomen, either on the right or left side. It is connected to the blood vessels that supply blood to and from the leg. In general, your own kidneys are left in place, unless they are have become very enlarged from a condition like polycystic kidney disease, or becoming a source of infection.


How long will I be in the hospital?

You will be in the hospital for 2 weeks. You may need to stay longer if a problem occurs and further treatment is needed; however, most people can go home without difficulty.


How often do I have to come back after my kidney transplant?

In the first month after the transplant you will return to the hospital twice a week for laboratory tests and a doctor checkup. The second month after your transplant you will come back once a week. You’ll come in every month until the sixth month, and then come in once a year. For the rest of your life, you will need to get monthly lab tests done, in order to monitor your medications and check for any potential problems.


How long will the tranplanted kidney work?

On average, a transplanted kidney from a cadaveric (deceased) donor lasts 15 years. Some transplanted kidneys only last a few weeks, while others function normally for 20 years or more. In general, kidneys from living donors last longer than those from cadaveric donors. The key to extending the life of your kidney is taking your medications as prescribed.


What is a Cadaveric Transplant?

Here the donor is a brain dead patient from whom the kidney is transplanted.